* last modifed (y/m/d): 2012/3/8 ,ĦĦTo top page of latex file archive ,ĦĦTo N. Tajima's Home Page in English or Japanese

Latex source of nuclear chart(cut and paste to utilize)

% Nuclear chart (Z=1..10, N=1..15)
% 97/1/28,29, 12/9, 2012/3/8, created by N.Tajima

% Manually change lines which contain a character string "[Change manually]"
% in order to change the region of the nuclear chart to be printed.
%   Z is the number of protons, i.e., the atomic number.
%   N is the number of neutrons.

\oddsidemargin=0cm   % side margin for odd-page-number page
\evensidemargin=0cm  %                 even
\textwidth=24.2cm % 76 characters / line

\def\elemsymbol#1{\ifcase#1 {\rm None}
\or {\rm H} \or {\rm  He} \or {\rm Li} \or {\rm Be} \or {\rm B} \or {\rm C} 
\or {\rm N} \or {\rm O} \or {\rm F} \or {\rm Ne} \or {\rm Na} \or {\rm Mg} 
\or {\rm Al} \or {\rm Si} \or {\rm P} \or {\rm S} \or {\rm Cl} \or {\rm Ar} 
\or {\rm K} \or {\rm Ca} \or {\rm Sc} \or {\rm Ti} \or {\rm V} \or {\rm Cr}
\or {\rm Mn} \or {\rm Fe} \or {\rm Co} \or {\rm Ni} \or {\rm Cu} \or {\rm Zn}
\or {\rm Ga} \or {\rm Ge} \or {\rm As} \or {\rm Se} \or {\rm Br} \or {\rm Kr}
\or {\rm Rb} \or {\rm Sr} \or {\rm Y} \or {\rm Zr} \or {\rm Nb} \or {\rm Mo}
\or {\rm Tc} \or {\rm Ru} \or {\rm Rh} \or {\rm Pd} \or {\rm Ag} \or {\rm Cd}
\or {\rm In} \or {\rm Sn} \or {\rm Sb} \or {\rm Te} \or {\rm I} \or {\rm Xe}
\or {\rm Cs} \or {\rm Ba} \or {\rm La} \or {\rm Ce} \or {\rm Pr} \or {\rm Nd}
\or {\rm Pm} \or {\rm Sm} \or {\rm Eu} \or {\rm Gd} \or {\rm Tb} \or {\rm Dy}
\or {\rm Ho} \or {\rm Er} \or {\rm Tm} \or {\rm Yb} \or {\rm Lu} \or {\rm Hf}
\or {\rm Ta} \or {\rm W} \or {\rm Re} \or {\rm Os} \or {\rm Ir} \or {\rm Pt}
\or {\rm Au} \or {\rm Hg} \or {\rm Tl} \or {\rm Pb} \or {\rm Bi} \or {\rm Po}
\or {\rm At} \or {\rm Rn} \or {\rm Fr} \or {\rm Ra} \or {\rm Ac} \or {\rm Th}
\or {\rm Pa} \or {\rm U} \or {\rm Np} \or {\rm Pu} \or {\rm Am} \or {\rm Cm}
\or {\rm Bk} \or {\rm Cf} \or {\rm Es} \or {\rm Fm} \or {\rm Md} \or {\rm No}
\or {\rm Lr} \or {\rm Rf} \or {\rm Db} \or {\rm Sg} \or {\rm Bh} \or {\rm Hs}
\or {\rm Mt} \or {\rm Ds} \or {\rm Rg} \or {\rm Cn} \else {\rm SH} \fi}
% NB) Element symbols are defined up to Z=112 (Copernicium).
%     "SH" only stands for "super heavy elements".

\baselineskip=0.766cm  % 28 lines / page



\newcommand{\xwidth}{241} \newcommand{\dx}{16}
\newcommand{\ywidth}{161} \newcommand{\dy}{16}
\newcommand{\protonbegin}{1} % = min Z [Change manually] 
\newcommand{\protonend}{10}  % = max Z [Change manually] = protonbegin + 9
\newcommand{\neutronbegin}{1} % = min N [Change manually]
\newcommand{\neutronend}{15} % = max N [Change manually] = neutronbegin + 14
\newcommand{\protonincrement}{1}  \newcommand{\neutronincrement}{1}

\newcounter{neutron} \newcounter{proton} \newcounter{massnumber} 
\newcounter{xcoordinate} \newcounter{ycoordinate}


        \framebox(\dx,\dy)[lt]{\phantom{\Large I} 
        $\!\!\!\! ^{\arabic{massnumber}}_{\arabic{proton}}


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