Skyrme-Hartree-Fock results for Phosphorus 27
Last modification (y/m/d):2011/11/18
This directory contains the results of Hartree-Fock calculations for Phosphorus 27:
HF calculations were done with the Skyrme Msk7, S3, SG2, SkM*, SkSC4, and SLy4 forces
in the Catresian-mesh representation with a mesh spacing of 0.5fm and
a cubic box=0.5fm*(50,50,50). (i.e., the length of the edge is 25 fm.)
An octant of a nucleus is placed at a corner of the box, imposing
D_{2h} symmetry. Nearest boundary is located at 25 fm from the center of the nucleus.
The furtherst point in the box is located at 25fm*sqrt(3) from the
center of the nucleus.
Summary table of the results of the calculations
N=12, Z=15 (27P)
[force] [energy] [Qz] [gamma] [mass][neutr][proto] [mass][neutron] [proton] [result file]
(MeV) (fm^2) deformation parameter r.m.s. radius (fm)
ground state
msk7 -215.486 56.995 0.000 0.173 0.210 0.147 3.0215 2.9318 3.0915 detail RDP
s3 -207.466 82.022 0.000 0.242 0.280 0.215 3.0669 2.9802 3.1345 detail RDP
sg2 -219.416 83.234 0.000 0.250 0.294 0.219 3.0395 2.9508 3.1087 detail RDP
skm* -210.837 67.988 0.000 0.202 0.248 0.169 3.0597 2.9629 3.1350 detail RDP
sksc4 -214.107 54.669 0.000 0.168 0.203 0.143 3.0056 2.9171 3.0745 detail RDP
sly4 -207.822 77.705 0.000 0.227 0.270 0.196 3.0840 2.9870 3.1594 detail RDP
excited state
msk7 -215.138 31.309 -180.000 -0.096 -0.110 -0.087 3.0035 2.9115 3.0751 detail RDP T=50keV
s3 -206.034 47.766 -180.000 -0.143 -0.156 -0.134 3.0455 2.9520 3.1183 detail RDP [NC]
sg2 -217.733 55.177 -180.000 -0.168 -0.184 -0.157 3.0207 2.9258 3.0946 detail RDP [NC]
skm* -209.921 39.419 -180.000 -0.119 -0.134 -0.107 3.0396 2.9388 3.1180 detail RDP [NC]
sksc4 -213.787 29.620 -180.000 -0.092 -0.105 -0.083 2.9881 2.8979 3.0583 detail RDP T=50keV
sly4 -206.725 50.499 -180.000 -0.149 -0.160 -0.142 3.0657 2.9637 3.1449 detail RDP [NC]
- "energy" is the binding energy of the nucleus compared with separated protons and neutrons.
- Qz=2z^2-x^2-y^2, i.e., the mass quadrupole moment, where z-axix is the symmetry axis.
- "gamma" is axial asymmetry parameter of the mass distribution. (in degree. +/-180deg and 0deg is the same)
- Click "detail" for the output of the program
These output contains a character string "T=50keV" (meaning temperature is 50keV) which is not true except for two cases.
The temperature is exactly zero for all the calculations except for excited solutions with Msk7 and SkSC4 forces.
- Click "RDP" for the angle-averaged radial density profile data. Data columns are :
- radius(fm)
- nucleon density(1/fm^3)
- neutron density(1/fm^3)
- proton density(1/fm^3)
- the number of mesh points to calculate the values in columns (1)-(4) as arithmetic averages
Use a specialized interporation program to make an equidistant spacing radial
density profile data using nonuniform mesh data obtainable by clicking "RDP"
- [NC] means that the solution has not been converged yet but is oscillating in configuration.
(A finite temperature will stop the oscillation and make the solution converged.)
References to cite when using these data
When one includes the data downloadable from this web page,
one should cite the following four references.
The method of calculation is described in detail in Ref.1 and Ref.2.
Odd-N and/or odd-Z nuclei are treated in the manner described in Ref.3
The original version of the computer program (ev8) is described in Ref.4.
- N. Tajima, S. Takahara, and N. Onishi, Nuclear Physics, A603, 23 (1996).
- N. Tajima, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Supplement, 142, 265 (2001).
- H. Kitagawa, N. Tajima, and H. Sagawa, Zeitschrift fuer Physik, A358, 381 (1997).
- P. Bonche, H. Flocard, P.-H. Heenen, S.J. Krieger, and M.S. Weiss, Nuclear Physics, A443, 39 (1985).
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