A Fortran 77 program to make equidistant-grid radial density profile data using nonuniform data

* Last modification (y/m/d):2011/11/17

In angle averaged radial density data file, the radius values are not uniformly separated, i.e., spacings between data points are not constant. One may utilize a Fortran 77 program intpoldp.f to make a data file with equidistanly spaced radial data points.

Compile intpoldp.f and run the executable file.

 input data file name ? :
n1215p_sly4_rdp.txt                      <--- input from keyboard
number of data lines =   405
maximum radius =  42.86830
 output file name ? :
n1215p_sly4_rdp_uniformpts.dat           <--- input from keyboard
maximum output radius  (fm) ?   must be <= 42.86830
20                                       <--- input from keyboard
 spacing of output radius grid (fm) ? 
0.1                                      <--- input from keyboard
(maxinum r)= 20.00000   (increment of r)=  0.10000


  1. One should normalize the density for one's chosen radius grid and the method of numerical integration.
  2. It is very important to know that for functions like radial density profiles of atomic nuclei, which is symmetric at r=0 and smoothly vanishes at large radius, and with equidistant data points, the most precise numerical integration method is the trapezoidal rule.

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