Comparision of the speed of computers
Japanese version
I have been measuring for several years the speed of various types of
computers ranging from i8086 based PC's to vector super computers by
running several simple fortran programs.
Click here to see the table of the results
of my bench mark tests.
The source codes of the bench mark tests:
- legval.f
multiplies a 1024*1024 matrix of real*8 to a 1024-dimensional vector of real*8
many times.
- intosc.f
repeats arithmetic operations to integer*4 variables.
Since these operations cannot be parallelized efficiently,
this test is expected to reflect the CPU clock.
- osc.f
replaces the integers in intosc.f with real*8.
Integer divisions are replaced with real number multiplications.
- intpi.f
contains a IF block in a DO loop.
Only integer*4 variables are used.
- pi.f
replaces interger*4 in intpi.f with real*8.
- pemute.f for 4KB
chooses randomly two elements from an integer*4 array of 4KB
and swap the contents of them.
- permute.f for 128KB
uses a 128KB array instead of 4KB.
- permute.f for 4MB
uses a 4MB array instead of 4KB.
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fortran benchmark tests (ver.2)