KUMAKURA, Mitsutaka
Japanese Page is
- Name : Mitsutaka Kumakura, Ph.D
- Address : Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering,
- University of Fukui, Bunkyo, Fukui 910-8507, JAPAN
- Title : Professor
- E-mail address :
+ "at" + apphy.u-fukui.ac.jp
- Research Field : Quantum Electronics, Atomic and Optical Physics, Nano science
Present Research Activities :
[I] Application of laser-cooling techniques for nano-particles:
(1) Experimental studies of particle size effect on superconductivity
by using a magnetically-trapped superconducting micor-particle
Superconducting metal particles with diameters of nearly 1 μm
can be generated by laser ablation in a superfluid helium. We
magnetically trap the single particle among them, and investigate
their superconducting properties by observing its motion in the trap.
Theis work is carried out in collaboration with Moriwaki Lab.
(Univ.of Toyama) and Ashida Lab.(Osaka Univ).
(2) Optical and electromagnetic manipulation of nanoparticles
We are developping novel experimental techniques for manipulating
nanoparticle such as quantum dots and fluorescent nanodiamonds
with laser beams and electromagnetic fields, which enable their
separation and /or organization.
(2a) Manipulation of quantum dots in a room temerature liquid
with a static electric field and laser excitation
We recently found that CdSe/ZnS quntum dots in a room temperature
organic solvent can be trapped with an inhomogeneous electric field
under resonant laser excitation. We now experimentally investigate the
physical mechanism of this novle and mysterious phenomenon.
(2b) Resonant optical manipulation of fluorescent nanopaericles
in a room temerature buffer gas
For measuring resonant optical force on nanopariticles, we are
developping new experimental apparatus which enable us to
disperse and isolate fluorescent nanoparticles in a room temperature
buffer gas and observe thier motion under laser irradiation.
(2c) Optical manipulation of nanopaericles in a superfluid helium
Since the superfluid helium has a high thermal conductivity and
a low thermal fluctuation, optical manipulation that are significantly
different from the one at normal temperature are possible. For
realizing such experiments we are now trying the non-destructive
loading of nanoparticle into this ultralow environment.
Theis work is carried out in collaboration with Ashida Lab.
(Osaka Univ) and Sugiura Lab.(Sojo Univ.)
[II] Laser cooling of neutral atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensates in dilute atomic gases:
(1) Dynamics of a multiply-charged vortex in a Rb Bose-Einstein condensate
(2) Realization of an "atom-wave circuit" (Patent No.5561717)
[ref] OYO BUTURI 82(9) 773-776 (2013)
- Past Research Activities :
- Topics :
- Publications:
Mitsutaka Kumakura @ University of Fukui
Last Update: 8 Mar. 2022