Hartree-Fock Calculation of Proton-Rich Nuclei

Modifications (y/m/d): 1996/3/26,4/25, 2001/6/27

This directory contains a report paper 
    "Hartree-Fock Calculation of Proton-Rich Nuclei"
    written by N. Tajima, N. Onishi, and S. Takahara
for a work shop entitled as "Science of short-lived beams 1994" at
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo, in January, 1995.

Latex source file

Fig. 2 and 3 can be substituted by "/hfs3/paper/hfs3.fig2.ps" and
"/hfs3/paper/hfs3.fig9.ps", respectively: The former figures are parts
of the latter figures.  Fig.1 is available upon request: We will send
paper copies via ordinary mail.